Our Work

We envision to build delivery mechanisms to accelerate agricultural transformation efforts across the continent.

Deep-dive on our main objectives

AATI support to specific countries could be a combination of these three areas based on needs.

Visioning & strategy operationalization

We facilitate visioning and strategy operationalization by conducting sector-wide diagnostics, such as value chain analysis, to inform the development of national agricultural strategies. This includes prioritizing, planning, and reviewing initiatives, while aligning key flagship projects with strategic pillars to drive effective implementation and achieve long-term development goals.

Institutional support

We strengthen institutional support by conducting diagnostics on existing delivery infrastructure and designing effective operational frameworks. This includes implementing Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), performance management, and data analytics tools to ensure accountability and effectiveness. The NGO will also focus on mobilizing resources for national delivery units, promoting evidence-based policymaking, and enhancing digital and leadership capabilities to improve overall institutional performance.

Flagship implementation & delivery

We develop detailed implementation plans and roadmaps for key initiatives. This includes supporting the rollout of frontline programs, such as change agent training, and coordinating stakeholders through mechanisms like Public-Private Partnership (PPP) roundtables. Additionally, the NGO will develop financing approaches for flagship projects and share knowledge and methodologies to provide on-the-ground support, ensuring effective and sustainable delivery.

Our process to enable successful implementation of strategic agricultural initiatives

The AATI’s role is anchored based on a country’s needs, priorities and existing infrastructure.


Identification of major needs within a country.

Strategy formulation

Development of solutions to address local unmet needs in agricultural development.

Delivery infrastructure

Installation of transformation governance & knowledge transfer.


Providing resources & implementing initiatives at local level.