AATI strategic retreat: reflections for the future

AATI strategic retreat: reflections for the future

April 27th 2023, Nairobi – The African Agricultural Transformation initiative (AATI) held its first annual strategic retreat hosted by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). In attendance were AATI Steering Committee Members, including Mr. Donal Brown (Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, IFAD), Mr. Enock Chikava (Director, Agricultural Development, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), Mr. Sunil Sanghvi (Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey and Company), Dr. Apollos Nwafor (Vice President, Policy and State Capability, AGRA), Dr. Agnes Kalibata, (President, AGRA) and Ms. Safia Boly (Executive Director, AATI).

The purpose of the retreat was to reflect on AATI achievements so far, and plan for the way forward. As part of the retreat, the Steering Committee members met with the Cabinet Secretary of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya, Hon. Mithika Linturi. During the meeting, members expressed their support to the Kenyan Government’s Agricultural Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy (2019-2029) which aims to Increase small-scale farmer, pastoralist and fisher-folk incomes; Increase agricultural output and value-add; and Boost household food resilience. Priorities which align with the AATI vision and mission.

Key outcomes of the retreat were: the recommitment by AATI and its partners to supporting African governments to promote and implement agricultural transformation through agricultural delivery mechanisms; and building local capacity for long-term sustainability and an emphasis on climate resilience and food systems change. The partners also endorsed the expansion of AATI country engagement to include Tanzania and Benin bringing total country engagement to 6 countries (previous country engagement included Kenya, Ghana, Malawi and Senegal).

Key quotes

‘There is a strong momentum as a result of the Covid-19 crisis and the food crisis to increase efforts to transform food systems in Africa,’ Donal Brown, Associate Vice-President, Programme Management Department, IFAD.

‘The AATI is uniquely positioned to build capabilities and increase ownership of agricultural transformations at country level.’ Apollos Nwafor, Vice President, Policy and State Capability, AGRA

‘Agricultural Delivery mechanisms should be seen as an investment rather than a cost,’ Enock Chikava, Director, Agricultural Development, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

‘The agricultural measurement tools that AATI is developing will go a long way to ensuring sustainable agricultural changes,’ Sunil Sanghvi, Senior Partner Emeritus, McKinsey and Company.

‘Were excited about the commitments by our partner’s to continue supporting countries on their journey to agricultural transformation. We recognize that partnership and cooperation are key to achieving agriculture transformation for African countries,’ Safia Boly, Executive Director AATI.


About AATI

The African Agricultural Transformation Initiative (AATI) was co-founded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), McKinsey & Company, and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). AATI aims to foster inclusive and sustainable agricultural transformation across the African continent. Over the next five years the AATI seeks to establish new (and strengthen existing) national agencies designed to support delivery of agricultural transformation policies and programmes. The Initiative helps governments achieve their goals of reducing rural poverty, improving food security, building climate resilience, and promoting rural economic growth.

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